With the aim of supplementing education Koç University’s medical faculty has created RMK Academy of Interventional Medicine, Education, and Simulation (RMK AIMES) where students rehearse “standard patient” practice by means of computer simulation.
There are twelve rooms on the first floor. These rooms are functional rooms used for objective clinical testings as well as patient interview tryouts. Each room has two entrances, one is through students’ hallway and the other is through the academics’ vestibule. The rooms situated in students’ hallway are furnished with a desk and a computer through which the current events in the room can be checked. Activities in these rooms can be monitored from the adjacent academic’s quarter using one sided mirrors together with headphones.
The rooms measure eleven square meters and are equipped with medical equipage such as oxygen, air, and vaccum recetacles. Each room is modeled after an actual examination room and is fitted with all the necessary apparatus. Three digital cameras and two microphones have been positioned in each room to record the examination sessions perfectly. On this very same floor there is a colossal (32 m²) multifurnitional simulation room used for instructing intensive care unit, delivery room, operating theatre or a sickroom operations pro ra nata. Medical gases such as oxygen, air, and vaccum are provided by two wall units. Six delicate digital cameras and five hypersensitive microphones will record on command. There also is a wall mounted sixty inches screen smart television which can be functional during simulation operations or examinations. İn addition there also is a ground telephone line for educational and simulation purposes.
The adjoining 15 m² room is used as a control room. İt is furnished with a one sided mirror wall which facilitates monnitoring the proceedings in the colossal. Perfect screening has been accomplished by virtue of elevating the strata of this room.
The centre has its own computer (software and hardware) system. The softsare is connected to the internet and is capable of recording exercises as well as lectures, filing, and arranging appointments.
Skill laboratories are located on the third floor covering an area of seven hundred square meters. There is a sixty and a seventy square meters laboratory, as well as nine 12 m² practice rooms. Practice rooms have medical gas vats together with manikins which makes the rooms ideal for standardize patient and chairside practices. Meanwhile practice rooms are equipped with “task trainer” kits to facilitate expertise. A room on this floor has been allocated as “quarantine” room / area fitted with its own medical gas vats and a bathroom too.