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Bülent Ahıshalı

Basic Medical Sciences - Histology and Embryology
Head of Faculties


During my academic carrier in the field of Histology and Embryology, I have focused on a wide range of research topics. I worked at the Cell Biology and Histology Department of Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium for 1 year between 1998 and 1999. There, I have been specialized on a number of techniques including tumor cell culture, isolation and cell culture of hepatic NK cells and hepatic endothelial cells, immunofluorescent techniques, quantitative DNA fragmentation and chromium release tests for the evaluation of apoptosis and necrosis under a project on the in vitro interactions of hepatic pit cells and colon carcinoma cells. After I returned to my department, I performed a number of studies on three dimensional tumor cell culture and cell proliferation markers. Since 2003, I have focused my research on the immunohistochemical and electron microscopic evaluation of the alterations in blood-brain barrier in various experimental settings and I have become the microscopist partner of a multidisciplinary research team on this topic. As a result of long lasting and extensive teamwork, we performed many successive impressive studies with high publishing potential. In 2007, I have attended a certification programme on Assisted Reproductive Techniques at the In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory of Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine for 6 months. Since 1999, I have been performing diagnostic electron microscopic evaluation of ciliated mucosa of patients with suspected primary ciliary dyskinesia, ultrastructural determination of spermatozoal disorders of patients with infertility, ultrastructural evaluation of intestinal biopsies of patients for certain neonatal enteropathies including microvillous inclusion disease and ultrastructural evaluaton of liver biopsies and pituitary tumours as an adjunctive measure to the routine pathological investigation for differential diagnosis.



Residency, İstanbul University


Bachelor’s, İstanbul University