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Ali Maximilian Ertürk

Surgical Sciences - Urology


The Ertürk Lab focuses on developing AI-driven models of human biology by combining 3D imaging technologies with machine learning. We generate large datasets of whole transparent mouse bodies and human organs at single-cell resolution using innovative tissue clearing protocols. These rich 3D imaging data are then utilized to train deep learning algorithms and build comprehensive computational models capable of simulating biological processes in silico. Another key area of our focus is bringing the 3D dimension to histopathology - by clearing and imaging intact human tissue samples in 3D, then applying AI analysis to enhance disease diagnosis and treatment. Ultimately, we aim to enable animal-free biomedical research by leveraging AI to accurately predict drug biodistribution, model disease mechanisms, and virtually screen therapeutic candidates - accelerating our understanding of human diseases and the development of new treatments.



Bachelor's, Bilkent University