IR Seminer Serisi - Jozef Šesták

Date and Time Date and Time

2022-12-08 23:15

2022-12-09 00:45

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CASE 288

IR Seminer Serisi - Jozef Šesták

The full scale war between two independent states – Ukraine and Russia starting by illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 and aggressive invasion of Russia military forces to Ukraine on 24 February, 2022 in violation of the international law, has potential to lead to the global catastrophe. Invasion has received widespread international condemnation and Western alliance decided to fully support Ukraine morally, financially, militarily and by application of massive sanctions and international isolation of Russia. The decision to cut the supplies of crude oil and natural gas from Russia to Europe will have consequences for Europe as well.

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Speaker Information

Jozef Šesták is an Ambassador, carrier diplomat, serving Slovak diplomacy for 44 years.