PHYSICS SEMINAR by Mishkat Bhattacharya

Date and Time Date and Time

2024-06-03 14:00

2024-06-03 14:00

Map Location

SCI 103

PHYSICS SEMINAR by Mishkat Bhattacharya

In this talk, I will describe our recent theoretical work showing how several problems in atomic superfluid rotation can be addressed using the versatile toolbox of cavity optomechanics usually associated with gravitational wave detection. We consider an annular Bose-Einstein condensate, which exhibits dissipationless flow and is a paradigm of rotational quantum physics, inside a cavity excited by optical fields carrying orbital angular momentum. We show that this configuration provides the first platform that can sense ring Bose-Einstein condensate rotation with minimal destruction, in situ and in real-time, unlike demonstrated techniques, all of which involve fully destructive measurement. Our work opens up a novel and useful direction in the sensing and manipulation of atomic superfluidity.

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Speaker Information

Mishkat Bhattacharya, Rochester Institute of Technology