Beyond Test Accuracies for Studying Deep Neural Networks

Date and Time Date and Time

2023-11-14 10:00

2023-11-14 10:00

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Beyond Test Accuracies for Studying Deep Neural Networks

Already in 2015, Leon Bottou discussed the prevalence and end of the training/test experimental paradigm in machine learning. The machine learning community has however continued to stick to this paradigm until now (2023), relying almost entirely and exclusively on the test-set accuracy, which is a rough proxy to the true quality of a machine learning system we want to measure. There are however many aspects in building a machine learning system that require more attention. Specifically, I will discuss three such aspects in this talk; (1) model assumption and construction, (2) optimization and (3) inference. For model assumption and construction, I will discuss our recent work on generative multitask learning and incidental correlation in multimodal learning. For optimization, I will talk about how we can systematically study and investigate learning trajectories. Finally for inference, I will lay out two consistencies that must be satisfied by a large-scale language model and demonstrate that most of the language models do not fully satisfy such consistencies.

Speaker Information

Kyunghyun Cho, New York University